
  • Lives of Pensioners No Longer Matter to Govt-AWC

    • On 10/12/2020
    • In News

    PensThe lives of pensioners who served the Government at all levels during their productive years no longer matter to their employers.

    This assertion was made by the All Workers Convergence(AWC) through its National Coordinator, Comrade Andrew Emlieze.
    ''We are in a very horrible situation where workers and pensioners' lives no longer matter to the Government at all levels as citizens who worked for 35 years and retired to wait almost indefinitely to receive their gratuities, is ridiculous. If the Government at all levels are focused and accountable, the pension funds administrators and the Government ought to have commenced the preparation of retirement benefits six months before the affected workers retire and pensions a month after retirement, sadly, this is not the case in Nigeria,'' Comrade Emelieze lamented.




  • Disloyalty Breeds Corruption and other Vices-Prof. Olagoke

    Prof 1Disloyalty has resulted in countless incidents of unimaginable situations. Self and pecuniary interests in a sizable number of individuals have brought about the unthinkable. Disloyalty seems to be the order of the day in all spheres of human endeavors as people strive to make a living. In this interview, the Founder, Spiritual Head, and Grand Imam of Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide, Prof. Sabitu Olagoke opines that corruption and other practices are products of disloyalty. Excerpts :
    Disloyalty has now taken over space in all spheres of human life, why is this so?

    The word loyalty is an active ingredient for system dynamics in any administrative setting and strategic management structure.
    It is expected to have been learned from one's father/mother relation in the home for a proper child-rearing process to take place, demanding the undertone of Memorandum of Understanding between the two parties.
    When disloyalty happens in a working environment the hierarchical order is disturbed, while charges of insubordination between the boss and his working partners, senior or junior, are alleged with resultant insinuations of disaffection and distrust.  The lessons on loyalty and the implication of disloyalty equally ought to have been learned even by intuition in the cultural environment under which we grew up.
    Like in Yoruba land, age is a critical factor to command others respect, so also are the positions of power, wealth, and acquired influence and affluence. When there is disloyalty in this line of hierarchy, selfless service may be denied to those people that may need it.
    It is then we talk of affront and arrogance. In the house of God, the issue of loyalty and the implication of disloyalty, ought to have been taught and learned through the Scriptures.
    So also in the institutions of learning-Primary, Secondary and Tertiary institutions, our conduct towards obeying the command of the teachers or lecturers matters most,  otherwise, arrogant students may reap the bitter fruit of the allegation of bad conduct.
    Courses such as Citizenship Education, Religious Knowledge, and General Studies are expected to be dedicated to the issue of loyalty and the implication of disloyalty.
    Nigeria's case in managing our democratic dispensation for governance, whereby the Ministries, Departments, and Agencies are regulated and controlled by the civil and public service rules, in order that the due process of officialdom is enhanced to disallow remote and primitive interventions of unskilled interactions among working groups.
    MDAs harmed by the civil and public service rules have all the wherewithal to regulate and control governance activities through the dynamics of political parties.
    However, they are feeders to government activities. Sanity must prevail based on the golden principle of loyalty.
    Whenever there is an occurrence of disloyalty in the system leakages and fraud become the penalty and political interference to defraud the nation may be very, very easy.
    Disloyalty at this level, therefore, has the implication of insubordination to the immediate boss or leader who is expected to hold forth the reign of ground rules for the political class.

    Offenders in this realm, therefore, are not only been rebellious to the management of the institution but also rebellious to the state and the nation at large. This is what is responsible for system failure, as it manifests in the way the government believes in seeking for training abroad, rather than making use of the knowledge potentials we have at home.
    Disloyalty to the constituted authority is regarded as a grievous sin in religious and spiritual parlance, this comes with very terrible consequences.
    In social parlance, disloyalty is a criminal activity as it can disrupt the system dynamics. Disrespect for the constitutional provisions on issues is a grievous form of disloyalty against the state.

  • Acknowledge Your Creator

    Hosea 6 : 3

    3 Let us acknowledge the LORD; let us press on to acknowledge him. As surely as the sun rises, he will appear; he will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth.”

    Quo 3Quo 4Quo 5

  • Entitlement of Retirees too Meager-Prof. Olagoke

    • On 03/12/2020
    • In News

    Prof 1Public and civil servants in Nigeria retire with fears of what the future holds for them after putting in 35 years of service. In recent times, gratuities are paid years after retirement, while the payment of  pensions are trailed by several challenges. In this interview, the Founder, Spiritual Heads and Grand Imam of Shafaudeen-in-Islam, Prof. Sabitu Olagoke says entitlements of retirees are too meager considering their years of service. Excerpts :
    Are you comfortable with the challenges confronting the payment of pensions and gratuities to retirees in Nigeria?

    The idea behind pension payments to retired employees is to ensure that the retired senior citizens continue to enjoy large sums of their approved savings in form of gratuity for him or her to be able to invest in some small scale ventures, while he or she simultaneously receives some reasonable sum in terms of percentages of what he or she used to receive previously for life to be comfortable towards the old age.

    The Federal Republic of Nigeria pensions reform act 2004 was signed into law on Friday 25th, June 2004, after several reviews of the 1979 pensions reforms act which had to give way for a new contribution scheme for employees both in the public and private sectors in Nigeria, this was then after in June 2014 amended by the National Assembly whereby the contributory pensions scheme would involve the gradual retirement planning for any employee.

    It made provisions for the deduction of the minimum of eight percent of the employee's monthly emolument, while the employer pays a minimum of 10 percent for the employee into the retirement savings account. The word minimum allows the dubious head of some institutions to defraud members of staff under them. For example, observations show the disparity in the pay packages of the members of staff in the same category of the same salary scale grade, receiving different amounts as take home from one institution to the other within the Federal Polytechnic system, not to talk of the big differences between such members of staff in the states and Federal Polytechnic system.

    This led the Academic Staff Union of Polytechnics(ASUP) union leaders to compare not while some of them were silenced by the management bodies of their institutions for probing too much into what was regarded as an issue between management and the Federal Government.

    The grey areas which need a categorical statement of fact from the Federal Government and managements of institutions is to clarify whether the individual contribution to the Pension Fund Administrators (PFA) is contributed from the source or by individual management of each of the institutions concerned.

    Some polytechnic management made their members of staff believe that between 7.5 percent and 15 percent of their salaries go to the PFAs from the management of the institutions and that the government on behalf of the individual concerned staff paid between 7.5 percent and 15 percent.

    Most retires were dumbfounded upon collecting their shares of the lump sum which they considered to be too meager to what their calculations over the years should be.


    The unions and management of the institutions are always are loggerheads over the issue of transparency.

    The challenges, therefore, confronting the new senior citizens are arrays of puzzles which the government needs to give urgent attention.

    In Oyo State, pensioners became frustrated and some of them died in the process because of the challenges of embezzlement of the accrued pension funds.

    Several retirees suffered from great delay over the years while some died in the process. There were equally some allegations that the government used to tamper with such funds to the level of no remittance to the PFAs.

    Common setbacks on the issue of pension funds are 1)the delay of the government to pay pensioners and non-compliance by several universities. It is equally embarrassing to read on the pages of newspapers, the payment of pension funds into private accounts, fixed deposit accounts, and in unauthorized banks. From my personal experience, I retired in 2017 but received by the pension fund in 2019, my home was on the verge of disintegration due to my inability to fund domestic projects, if not for my wife and support from friends, one could have imagined what would have happened.

    The question that should be on every person's lip is on the monitoring of the flow process involved in the payment of the pension funds via the government's side and the institutions' side, through a transparent and accountable mechanism to avoid unnecessary doubts from the clients of the PFAs, unnecessary delay in receiving the pension funds for the retirees to be able to use it meaningfully and beneficially in our economic environment that is not stable. For instance, any pensioner that may put his money into a fixed deposit will eventually suffer a setback through the Central Bank of Nigeria(CBN) directive that reviewed downward the accrued interests by almost two-thirds between January till date.

    The pensions scheme from Act 2004 2014 and 2017, ought to have been very uniform to be respected by all institutions, universities, State Governments, and the Ministries, Departments, and Agencies. Proper orientation with clarity of purpose of the amount been deducted from the salaries of the staff and the corresponding mode of sourcing for it from the arrived salaries in the institutions, the Treasury Single Account directly should be clearly stated, so that the members of staff are not thrown into unnecessary darkness between the union leaders and their management.


    Pension managers who embezzled pension funds must be prosecuted in accordance with the enabling law, this will assist in overcoming some of the challenges in pension funds administration-contributory and non-contributory.

    There is a need to control the influx of ghost pensioners through an effective anti-fraud process and control of pension fraud using appropriate Information Communication Technology(ICT), biometric capturing machines, independent central data management authority, census of all informal employers and contributors, the establishment of the basic registration system.

    Institutions found wanting on the issue of pensions funds scam must be exposed, while the personalities involved must be allowed to face the full wrath of the law.

  • Acknowledge Spiritual Security

    Prof 1Security issues have a double dimension of social and spiritual significances. Unfortunately, the Government faces the social security issue by voting heavily on the effects rather than the causes of security votes that may not necessarily be accounted for and mass mobilization of security agents to quell emerging crises.
    Unfortunately too, the ugly events claiming the lives and property of the people would later remerge in a more monstrous form, like recurring decimals in Mathematics.
    From esoteric research of spiritual exploration, the causes were usually triggered by diabolical energy of satanic influences which always possess the perpetrators of dastardly acts converting sins into heinous crimes.
    One would expect the Churches and Mosques to fight and shame the devil through the aura of divine inspiration, but for most of them who patronize the devil itself, for the reasons of economic prowess and fame, the faith-based organizations are usually found wanting in wrestling power with satan.
    The people and the nation, therefore, are always at a loss for them to be eager to have a true messiah that would be able to stand the test of time, such as the case of Elijah, Moses, and the Holy Prophet Muhammad, who stood firmly with the words of God as the vanguard of truth to save the people of their time from the wreck of diseases, oppression, and hypocrisy. Thye remains the legends of achievers and change agents of their time with a sustainable legacy that would be followed by subsequent generations to curb the excesses of the rulers and affront of the weak.
    They left the legacy of moderate and the fear of God for me and you to imbibe as a culture of self-esteem and integrity to promote better world order.
    Unfortunately, how many of us are taking after them in the real sense of it to have a better community accelerated, development, and good governance without default.
    Where religious people fail, the government institutions equally stumble, most especially in the areas of controlling social misdemeanor and spiritual set back! Ritual killings in Nigeria started with bad elements in our cultural setting, whereby they would traditionally search for strangers to be sacrificed to their gods and goddesses because it was not timely checked and for the reason of the attached socio-economic enhancement, the elite including the religious people condemned the act by the propaganda of the words of the mouth, but accepted the dastardly act to maintain and sustain the derived gains of power, wealth, influence and affluence from it.
    The Holy books warned vehemently that human beings should dissociate themselves from the antics of satan but get closer to Him to tread the right path of contentment of the mind for the comfort of life and bliss of heaven(paradise or janat)
    The Holy Quran  4: 117-121 refers,'' The people living God(but using religion as a cover-up ) call but upon female deities: They call but upon satan, the persistent rebel, A; Allah did curse him, but he said I will take of thy servants a portion marked off: I will mislead them, and I will create in them false desires, I will order them to slit the ears of cattle and to deface the fair nature created by Allah. Whoever forsaking Allah, takes satan for a friend, hath of a surety suffered a loss that is manifest. Satan makes them promises and creates in them false hopes, but satan's promises are nothing but deception. Those who follow the path of satan will have their dwelling in hell and from it, they will find no way of escape.''
    None of the people we have in positions of power or as elite in affluence can claim to be ignorant of the scriptures of his or her religious faith and all Church or Mosques goers can claim not to know about the demand of God for mankind, why is it them that we are not tapping into spiritual security to wrestle power from satan and cleanse the land for peace restoration. The victims of ritual killings through direct human sacrifices by the herbalists and their collaborators suffer greatly from the cruel process through which their blood was shed and their lives were taken.
    What of the parts of their body that were later mutilated and sold through the human parts contractors who help the rich and powerful to maintain and sustain their wealth and positions of power.
    The Government is expected to beam its searchlight on these wicked acts of spiritism sardonic and the use of the heavy hands of the law on the perpetrators, with consideration for their positions in the society to be able to regulate and control the social challenges of corruption and kidnapping.
    The Holy Bible on the issue of justice, rewards, and punishment states in a clear term in Ecclesiastes 8: 11-13,'' Sometimes people are not immediately punished for the bad things they do. Their punishment is slow to come and that makes other people want to do bad things too. A sinner might do a hundred evil things and he might have a long life, but I know that it is still better to obey and respect God, so those people won't really get good things. Those evil people won't live long lives(except for reasons of the miserable reward). Their lives won't be like the shadows that would become longer and longer as the sun goes down.''
    It is imperative that we must make the four major spheres of life to be functionally alive to their responsibilities vis-a-vis the culture and the traditional rulers to enforce moral discipline for the sanity of society.

    Founder, Spiritual Head and Grand Imam Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide,Wakajaiye, Ibadan, Nigeria

  • Human Defiance and Religious Impotence

    Prof 1The great challenge between divinity and humanity is that of promiscuous acts which the creator God or almighty A\llah detests, but humanity takes as a form of their own pleasure to pass time.

    After many festivities were borne out of religious systems have been celebrated with all seriousness, most people including the adherents always resort to thanksgiving through the celebration of anti-scriptural events, to mark the beginning of rubbishing the forgiveness essence that always underlines the observance of such activities.

    The roles of the religious leaders, who profess to serve humanity and God and also pretend to keep all the ordinances of God by teaching them to the adherents as well as playing a pedagogue role model on it, are called to question. For example, the Holy Quran, 5: 90 strongly warns, 'Oh ye who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, sacrificing to stones, and divination by arrows are an abomination: of satan's handiwork. Eschew such abomination that ye may prosper.''

    The almighty God unmistakably emphasized this issue as a statement of challenges. The Holy Quran refers, 'They asked thee concerning wine and gambling.' Say,'' in them is great sin and some profit for men''; but the sin is greater than the profit. They asked thee how much they are to spend. Say ''What is not beyond your needs. Thus doth Allah make clear to you His signs, in order that you may consider their bearings on this life and the year after.'' For us as mere mortals, the almighty Allah admonished us in Quran 17: 32,''nor come nigh to adultery for its is an indecent deed and an evil way.''

    And the Holy Bible corroborates this in Mathew 5: 27-28,'' You have heard that it was said don't do the sin of adultery, but I tell you if a person looks at a woman and wants to sin sexually with her, then that person has already done that sin with the woman in his mind.''

    This is why every parent must groom his or her children in ways that would be uplifting.

    Let us, therefore, heed this admonition from Quran,'' When we make mankind taste of some mercy after adversity has touched them, behold! They take to plotting against Our Signs! Say to plan is Allah, verily, Our messengers record all the plots that they make.'' Let us all stop been defiant to admonitions and corrections-social or spiritual.

    Founder, Spiritual Head and Grand Imam Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide,Wakajaiye, Ibadan, Nigeria

  • Law Enforcement : Groom Police Personnel to be Role Models-Prof. Olagoke

    • On 17/11/2020
    • In News

    Prof 1Globally, the impression is that the Police force was established to maintain peace and order in society and also ensure the safety of lives and property. Sadly, several incidents around the world have indicated that the opposite is the case. This situation is worrisome and a source of concern to the citizenry. Interestingly, unscrupulous police personnel in connivance with members of the public, who are also members of communities in the country, extort innocent Nigerian by proxy.In this interview, the Founder, Spiritual Head, and Grand Imam of Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide, Prof. Sabitu Olagoke opines that all police personnel should be groomed to be role models on the issue of the rule of law to enable effective enforcement of the laws of the land. Excerpts :

    What ought to be the roles of the Nigeria Police Force in a democracy?

    The structure of democracy vis-vis justice, policy-making, and implementation that should be inclusive to the term of equity. These are expected to give the society a stable polity in an environment of respect for the fundamental human rights of all without discrimination or socio-classification for the purpose of achieving the streak of sustainable development. Any alteration to this arrangement will constitute a threat to the security of the state and its prosperity. The extreme can lead to a state of anarchy. To be able to achieve maximally, police personnel from the lowest to the topmost ranks need to be properly trained in recognizing the state of the environment with all readiness to offer selfless service which must be sustainable to prevent a crack in the wall of the state. The people, generally, must equally be sensitized to see the police as their immediate neighbor. The roles of the Nigeria  Police Force, therefore, must be clearly stated as defined and must be incorporated into the school curricula. For example, the prevention of crime is fundamental to the protection of lives and property. They must therefore be role models on the issue of the rule of law to be able to enforce it. The Police must be an embodiment of peace and must be trained not to be bullies, but humane and polite in going about the statutory charge of maintenance of peace and public order.It is unfortunate to note that the environment under which the Nigeria Police Force operates is a hostile one and the recruitment process is faulty. This is a set back for the police force because criminally minded people will easily join the force without detection for future havoc. Another problem that is equally intrinsic to the under-performance is government underfunding. Also, the environment of corruption and extortion has by polarization affected negatively the constitution and working operations of the police to the level of institutionalized corruption and extortion.The inadequate number of police personnel are shared among the state and the rich as most of them are attached to several political office holders and the elite, at the expense of the state.Police brutality and harassment of innocent citizens have made them become pawns of politicians, who sew or borrow police uniforms from them for the thugs to appear as government agents to deal with political opponents, maim and kill perceived enemies.

  • All About Light and Darkness

    Colossians 1:13-14

    13 For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, 14 in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
