
  • Nigerians should Keep Hope Alive-Cleric

    • On 01/06/2023
    • In News

    BadNigerians have been advised to keep hope alive and not despair in the face of avoidable hardships inflicted on them by a group of individuals.
    This advice was given by a cleric, Pastor Opeymi Ajayi.
    ''Nigerians should continue to be hopeful and not despair. Our God will visit those who are inflicting us with difficulties and hardships. Our God is not sleeping, He is awake all the time and takes note of all our travails,''Pastor Ajayi disclosed.
    Similarly, a former chairman of the Non Academic Staff Union and Associated Institutions(NASU), Comrade Fatoki Olusola- Cole has described the inauguration day pronouncement by President Ahmed Tinubu on the fuel subsidy removal as a great mistake.
    ''The pronouncement of President Tinubu is a great mistake and he was wrongly advised to have spoken that way on the day of his inauguration, when he was yet to get to the office to see and peruse the details of the proposed removal. I think it was a great mistake on his part and an error in starting a  new government. It is a grievous act and I call it a careless statement that has turned the country upside down. The prices of goods and services, most especially foodstuffs, have gone up. I hope Nigerians will not regret voting for him, Comrade Olusola-Cole disclosed.

  • Be Good

    Thessa 1Avoid being led astray to do evil, but always thread the path of good deeds and good will be with you at all times.

    1Thessalonians 5 : 12-23

    12 And we beseech you, brethren, to know them which labour among you, and are over you in the Lord, and admonish you; 13 And to esteem them very highly in love for their work's sake. And be at peace among yourselves. 14 Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men. 15 See that none render evil for evil unto any man; but ever follow that which is good, both among yourselves, and to all men. 16 Rejoice evermore. 17 Pray without ceasing. 18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. 19 Quench not the Spirit. 20 Despise not prophesyings. 21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. 22 Abstain from all appearance of evil. 23 And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  • Disruption of Fraud

    U.S. Law Enforcement Disrupts Networks Used to Transfer Fraud Proceeds, Taking Over 4,000 Actions in Fifth Campaign

    WASHINGTON – The Department of Justice, FBI, U.S. Postal Inspection Service, and other federal law enforcement agencies announced today the completion of a three-month campaign that disrupted networks used by foreign fraudsters to obtain fraud proceeds. Multiple law enforcement actions addressed conduct by individuals sometimes referred to as “money mules,” who have been providing critical services to fraudsters by receiving money from fraud victims and forwarding the fraud proceeds to the perpetrators (many of whom are based overseas). Some individuals knew they were facilitating fraud. Others first interacted with fraudsters as victims and may have been unaware that their activity furthered criminal activity.

    Over approximately the last three months, law enforcement took over 4,000 actions against individuals responsible for facilitating a range of fraud schemes. These schemes included those that targeted consumers, such as lottery fraud and romance scams, as well as those that targeted businesses or pandemic funds.

    The thousands of actions taken by law enforcement—which ranged from criminal prosecutions, to civil actions, to warning letters—were designed to punish those who knowingly assisted fraudsters and to advise those who may have been unknowingly helping fraudsters that their conduct furthered crime. These actions are intended to deter overseas fraudsters from relying on U.S.-based individuals to facilitate schemes, and thereby reduce the harm caused by foreign fraud operations.

    This year’s effort marked the fifth U.S. law enforcement campaign disrupting these money transmitting networks. Since the first campaign, during which approximately 400 actions were taken by law enforcement, agencies have collectively taken over 12,000 actions. Investigations have shown that disrupting money transmitting networks has impeded fraudsters’ abilities to receive funds, thereby reducing fraud victimization. These campaigns are part of a global effort to tackle money transmitting networks linked to illegal activity.

    “Law enforcement is committed to reducing fraud using every tool at our disposal. Our efforts to disrupt networks used to transfer fraud proceeds, to educate the public about elder fraud, and to prosecute those involved in these schemes have stymied fraudsters,” said Associate Attorney General Vanita Gupta. “This initiative demonstrates what can be achieved through focused efforts and vigorous enforcement.”

    “The money mule campaign was an effort to educate the public, disrupt criminal enterprises, and provide feedback to financial institutions who go to great lengths to implement anti-money laundering programs,” said Assistant Director Luis Quesada of the FBI’s Criminal Investigative Division. “The FBI values the partnership of DOJ Consumer Protection Branch, U.S. Postal Inspection Service, and other federal agencies who work together to disrupt criminal enterprises conducting fraud and money laundering schemes.”

    “Anyone can be approached to be a money mule, but criminals often target students, those looking for work, and those on dating websites,” said Eric Shen, Inspector in Charge of the Criminal Investigations Group. “When those individuals use the U.S. Mail to send or receive funds from fraudsters, Postal Inspectors are quick to step in and put a stop to money mule activities.”

    This year’s effort was coordinated by the Department of Justice’s Consumer Protection Branch, the FBI, and the U.S. Postal Inspection Service, which were joined by Homeland Security Investigations, the Department of Labor Office of Inspector General, and the Small Business Administration Office of Inspector General. Participating agencies collectively served over 4,000 letters warning individuals that their activities are facilitating fraud. These letters outlined the potential consequences for continuing to transmit illegally acquired funds. Participating agencies also filed twelve civil or administrative actions. Additionally, more than 25 individuals were criminally charged for knowingly receiving and forwarding victim funds or otherwise laundering fraud proceeds.

    The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District Massachusetts charged a defendant for using his accounting and “virtual CFO” business as a front to launder the proceeds of internet fraud schemes. As part of the alleged conspiracy, the defendant created dozens of shell companies and used those shell companies to open business bank accounts in Rhode Island and Massachusetts, through which the defendant laundered the criminal proceeds for his clients in exchange for fees. In total, since 2019, the defendant is alleged to have opened approximately 80 bank accounts (purportedly on behalf of 65 different companies), laundering approximately $35 million.

    The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Western District of North Carolina charged an individual for facilitating an international, multi-million-dollar tech support fraud. The indictment alleged that the defendant agreed to obtain payment-processing services in his name to process victim payments and laundered the proceeds domestically and internationally to bank accounts located in India, receiving three percent of the revenue in return.

    The U.S. Attorney’s Offices for the Central District of California and the District of Nebraska charged individuals who, despite warnings from law enforcement, continued facilitating fraud. In the Central District of California, an individual was charged for her role in receiving funds from fraud victims, including victims of business email compromises. According to the charges, the defendant opened 11 bank accounts at seven separate financial institutions in furtherance of the scheme. In the District of Nebraska, two individuals were charged for facilitating a lottery fraud scheme, including by receiving cashier’s checks in the mail.

    Criminal charges are merely allegations. Defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

    As in past years, participating agencies are working to raise awareness about how fraudsters recruit and use individuals to assist their fraud operations. Federal agencies conducted outreach to the public and industry, and also expanded partnerships with local, state, and foreign law enforcement agencies. The Commodities Futures Trading Commission released a public awareness message about how fraudsters use and recruit people to facilitate romance fraud and “wrong number” text message scams, where fraudsters strike up conversations touting their wealth and success in trading crypto assets, over-the-counter foreign currency, or gold contracts to try and convince consumers to “invest” in crypto assets.

    The agencies involved in this effort urge consumers to be on the lookout for signs someone is trying to recruit them to receive and transmit fraud proceeds. Do not agree to receive money or checks mailed to you or sent to your bank account for someone you have met over the phone or online. Do not open a bank or cryptocurrency account at someone else’s direction. Fraudsters will lie to persuade you to help them. They may falsely tell you that they are helping you get a lottery prize, initiate a purported romantic relationship and then tell you that they need money, or pretend to offer you a job, an opportunity to invest in a business venture, or the chance to help in a charitable effort.

    For more information on this initiative, please visit….

    Information about the Department of Justice’s Elder Fraud Initiative is available at If you or someone you know is age 60 or older and has been a victim of financial fraud, help is available at the National Elder Fraud Hotline: 1-833-FRAUD-11 (1-833-372-8311).

    Information about the Department of Justice’s COVID-19 Fraud Enforcement Task Force is available at

    For more information about the Consumer Protection Branch and its enforcement efforts, visit its website at



  • The Lesson of Gratitude

    Untitled 2Let us cultivate the habit of goiving thanks to God in every situation. Learning the lesson of gratitude reduces the negative effects of our expriences in all situation.
    2 Corinthians 12 : 1-10

    It is not expedient for me doubtless to glory. I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord.

    2 I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) such an one caught up to the third heaven.

    3 And I knew such a man, (whether in the body, or out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;)

    4 How that he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter.

    5 Of such an one will I glory: yet of myself I will not glory, but in mine infirmities.

    6 For though I would desire to glory, I shall not be a fool; for I will say the truth: but now I forbear, lest any man should think of me above that which he seeth me to be, or that he heareth of me.

    7 And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure.

    8 For this thing I besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me.

    9 And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

    10 Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.


  • Bad Leadership-Nigeria is not an Exception-Ez(Dr.) Anozie

    • On 24/05/2023
    • In News

    Eze 9Nigeria is not an exception when it comes to bad leadership.
    This assertion was made by the Ezendigbo of Ibadan and Oyo state, Eze(Dr.)Alex Anozie.

    ''There is nothing like that. I am only saying that truth and justice should always prevail.
    As regards bad leadership, Nigeria is not an exception. I am talking about the whole world. Bad leadership is causing crises all over the world.
    I am only showing sympathy for justice, equity and fairness and selfless leadership and leadership by example.
    I have been Ezendigbo for 26 years, nobody is paying for my services. There is peace in my domain.
    So, what I am saying is about the whole world at large and Nigeria is part of the world.
    Everybody knows the situation in Nigeria.
    But I must congratulate this government for putting machinery in motion for the completion of the second Niger Bridge. I was one of the people that first called for the construction of the second Niger Bridge and  I am happy that we have seen the completion of the bridge.
    If I have my way and also God's support, I would also suggest that we have a modern rail line from Lagos to Onitsha passing through Ibadan, from Onitsha down to Enugu, from Enugu straight to Abuja, from Abuja back to Lagos, a modern rail line,'' Eze(Dr.) Anozie concluded

  • PFAs should explain how our entitlements are calculated-Chairman NUPCPS South West

    • On 20/05/2023
    • In News

    PenPensioners in the University College Hospital(UCH)Ibadan, Nigeria have called on the 21 Pension Funds Administrators(PFA) in the country to explain how their entitlements are calculated for eventual payment.
    This call was made on Wednesday on behalf of the pensioners by the chairman of the Nigeria Union of Pensioners(NUP) Contributory Pensions Scheme(CPS) South West zone, Chief Joseph Oyadiran, at a  retirees forum organized by a PFA Forum in Ibadan.
    ''We want to know how you calculated our money. It is dubious. Have you started receiving retired workers 2013 IPPOIS money from the Accountant General of the Federation(AGF)? The money of workers who retired in 2013 was not calculated with the lump sum. They are yet to release the IPPIS fund to our members at UCH. It is running into millions of Naira.
    Chief Oyadiran lamented that the PFAs were non-chalant in matters concerning pensioners, saying,''you are not assisting us. I have a list of those affected.. Some of the PFAs have not paid 2.5 per cent. The government promised that the enhancement allowances would be released between January and February, 2023. Up till today, what is delaying it? It is May. How can I invest N5.6 million and at the end of three years give me N300.00? PFAs ought to back us up for the release of our money. They are not backing us up,'' Chief Oyadiran declared.
    Meanwhile, members of unions in the UCH have expressed reservations over the curious attitude of the union leaders to issues pertaining to the PFAS operating in the hospitals just as they expressed hopes that there would be an improvement.

  • 5 Month Unpaid Salaries-Blame NASU Leadership for our Predicament-Comrade Olusola-Cole

    • On 17/05/2023
    • In News

    Untitled 1The Non Academic Staff Union and Associated Institutions(NASU) has traced the non-payment of their five-month salaries to the indiscretion of the leadership of the union which did not consult with members before suspending the strike action.

    This position of NASU was made known by a former chairman of the union in Oyo state, Comrade Fatoki Olusola-Cole.
    ''Out of frustration, the national leadership of NASU signed the agreement and they announced the suspension of the strike at the Federal Ministry of Education in Abuja, without consultation with members. As at today, none of the agreements have been fulfilled. Up till this hour, we have not heard anything about it. And we have been asking, but the government has not been able to tell us anything.''
    ''As a result of the strike our five-month salaries were with held and this has caused a lot of havoc and problems for members. As a result, some are paralyzed, some have died, some have lost their wives and children. It has brought about unquantifiable sorrows for our members. Thank God for some of us that are still alive. We are living but not balanced. It will take  the grace of God for us to be balanced financially. They never reviewed our salaries. Psychologically, financially, emotionally, we are not stable. We can not show 100 per cent devotion to work because we have a lot of debts to pay. 5 months at a stretch, the government did not pay us. Our children are in school, some have just got admission, we pay for their rent and feeding. Similarly, we the parents, we pay rent and we feed. The prices of electricity, petrol and other goods and services have gone up astronomically and even beyond our reach. Our prayer  is that God will fight for us. This government came with the intention of destroying workers, it has succeeded. God will surely reward them. We are sad, we are not happy at work and at home. We are suffering. There is nobody to fight for us, but God will fight for us. No motivation, no rest of mind, no joy, you leave home in the morning, no hope of meeting food in the evening at home. There is hunger in the land,'' Comrade Olusola-Cole lamented.


  • The Threats to Higher Education

    • On 15/05/2023
    • In News

    To know is to know that you know nothing that is the meaning of true knowledge ink 1024x1024Higher institutions in the country have for long contended with the activities of students and non-students, which causes  lawlessness, deviant behavior and criminality-on and off the various campuses in Nigeria.

    Indeed, workers, petty traders and visitors have also been crucial participants in these problems, while the managements of the affected institutions  feign ignorance or are oblivious of the problems.

    Of worry, is the unwritten consent by some members of management for the despicable acts.

    Indeed, homosexuality is now prevalent in these citadels of learning and, surprisingly, members of the communities have taken the abnormal to be normal.

    Stakeholders in the education sector have for long been silent, but rather dissipated energy on the establishment of more institutions. Perhaps.

    However, for the Dean of Students' Affairs, University of Ibadan, Prof. Adekeye Abiona, the University, does not have such issues.

    ''We don't have such issues at the University of Ibadan. Maybe it is in Agbowo, where there are Polytechnic and other students who are not our students. If you want more information, ask the law enforcement agents. There is no way  non-students can get into our halls of residence. Besides, we have hall wardens. Students enter the halls with their identity cards. We are so strict about this, no one can get into the halls without permission. We don't have it in U.I, nobody has reported such.We have an Anti-Cultism Committee, we were at the College of Medicine for a social re-orientation program. The Center for Social Orientation(CSO) was established to take care of such vices. Our students will never indulge in that. There is what we call students' handbook. They have the matriculation oath. Our students are well behaved and we have the Students' Disciplinary Committee(SDC) to handle such issues,'' Prof. Abiona stated.