Zambia Govt Urges Investors to Respect National Values

Zambia 1Zambia President, Edgar Lungu has declared that his administration was ready to accommodate investors who will respect the country's national values and who will not abrogate the labor laws.

President Lungu made this decalration on Monday at the opening ceremony of the the Expo North West Zambia 2019 under the theme; “Unveiling the hidden treasures.”

The President stressed the need for investors not to be profit oriented only, but also be  engaged in Corporate Social Responsibilties saying  “I urge all investors to interact freely during this expo to secure good investment deals, and long lasting synergies, as you seek investment opportunities in this province, and Zambia as a whole. This event is an opportunity for the private sector to leverage natural resources that this province offers to set up industries here,” he urged.

“We in the PF government believe that the private sector is a catalyst to supporting our quest to improving the lives of our people through wealth and employment creation in line with the vision 2030. In this regard, the North West Expo provides vast opportunities for potential investors to sample the enormous prospectives that north western province has to offer in all sectors of our economy.”

“Ladies and gentlemen: It gives me great pleasure to note that our traditional leaders in this province, north western province are supportive of the investors here, and are willing to welcome more investors. I was trying to find out why traditional leaders in this province are highly supportive, and i was told, they are highly educated, and one is pursuing a degree to you our chiefs, keep it up, and continue being the model let me also assure you that my government in partnership with traditional leaders, and all stakeholders in the province will facilitate inflow of investment in various sectors spread across the province,” he said.

“This country and this province too, have continued to receive foreign direct investment, as well as domestic investment, as a result of the conducive business environment, where the private sector plays a key role in the economy. I am glad to note that expos that have so far been held in Luapula, northern, central and Copperbelt province are now yielding dividends. These provinces i have named have been receiving positive responses from investors within, and outside Zambia. For this reason my government has remained focused on providing suitable regulatory environment for the private sector to thrive.”

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