Nigerians Should Make Use of the Ramadan Fast to Cleanse Themselves of All Evil-Gran Imam Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide

Prof olagokeAs Muslim faithful prepare for the commencement of the 30 day Ramadan fast across the globe, concerned citizens in different countries are of the opinion that the fasting period should also be used by all to fervently pray for members of outlawed groups and their sponsors who have derailed and are responsible for the unabating rate of kidnappings, killings, ritual killings, armed robberies, violence and other crimes in several countries of the world, to retrace their steps and embrace the teachings about God.

The citizens are hopeful that the fasting period shall usher in a new era of peace and stability globally. In this interview, the Founder, Spiritual Head and Grand Imam of Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide, Prof. Sabitu Olagoke calls on Nigerians to use the fasting period to cleanse themselves of evil and cultivate integrity based behaviors. Excerpts

The Ramadan fast is only some few days away, what is your message to the Muslim Faithful ?

Nigerians generally need to change their attitude towards all festivals and seasons, since in most cases they declare holidays which always have economic implications on the nation.

Suffice it now to say that such holidays need to be justified through the benefits of the exercises for which the holidays were always declared, be it traditional, Christian or Muslim.

For the Ramadan session, the nation starts to benefit a lot if the design and the purpose are respected accordingly, because the goal for which it is divinely designed is to educate and reform the animal called man; to raise his bestial status into that of a person with high level of integrity.

The expectation is for all Muslims to follow the behavioral objectives which is centered on achieving the culture of fear of God-which happens to be the bedrock of attitudinal reform towards achieving the four codes of life based on the positive mindset.

Ramadan 1The adherents,during and after observing the Ramadan fast, must assume a permanent characteristics of positive self image where he or she sees himself or herself as been ever relevant in the scheme of selfless service, community peace and nation building.

He must equally have that sense of confidence to individually perform tasks without supervision and with an endowed gift of a prime mover team work spirit.

Thirdly, he or she must become an epitome of self esteem, who is expected to role model an established code of conduct with overbearing measure of discipline and integrity.

The fourth, achievable must, must dominate exemplary life style through positive mental attitude for ease of relocation. Such a person is never found wanting when it comes to the issue of trust, accurate and precise decisions, before putting up any action.

Such a person naturally will be awesome in identifying and recommending solutions, through his or her spiritual endowments, which bothers on social assignment activation and articulation.

Ramadan 2Unfortunately, going by the past antecedents of Ramadan fasting exercises, generally, it had always been a case of annual ritual of ceremonial importance contrary to the designed goal of Saomu.

Ramadan fasting which is to facilitate the establishment of the culture of the fear of God, which must reflect in using due process in procurement for the purpose of transparency and accountability in management, administration and good governance.

Ramadan fasting remains a spiritual Doctor to mankind, an antidote for corruption and indiscipline and a reliable solution to the best way to achieve justice in the system to avoid disaffection and violence, equity in material distribution through common availed opportunity to have access, which acquisition of marginalization to promote inclusive society, in order that the individual and the nation would be able to have functional Democracy with full benefits for sustainable development, peace and security.

We shall continue to cheat ourselves as mankind, if we fail as individuals and collectively as a nation, to goal set with adequate sensitization effect on the seriousness and messages of the Ramadan fasting exercise.

We need the same attitudinal change and focus towards availed opportunities of seasons and festivals from all facets of our natural life-tradition, religion and social.

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