COVID 19-Turkey Vaccinates 462,000 Health Workers

Tu 2Authorities in Turkey have administered COVID vaccines to 462,000 of its health workers.
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan got the first shot of the COVID-19 vaccine, as the country commenced the mass COVID-vaccination campaign.
Furthermore, Health Minister Fahrettin Koca was the first person to receive a Chinese vaccine jab in the country after Turkey’s official drug and medical equipment body Wednesday approved CoronaVac for emergency use against the novel coronavirus.

Following the minister, members of the Coronavirus Scientific Advisory Board were vaccinated as well.

The Health Ministry stated that  Turkey has 1.1 million health workers who will be vaccinated within a month.
Two doses of the vaccine shall be administered 28 days apart. Those who recovered from COVID-19 will not be vaccinated in four to six months following their recovery.



coronavirus Turkey

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