Christians should Guard against six hindrances to Prayers in their Lives-Cleric

2a8e60e45d6dd25feb0d5efad2b54210Christians have been charged with guarding against six hindrances to prayers in their lives.

This charge was given on Sunday by Pastor Kayode Oladeji of the Peculiar People International Christian Center, Mokola, Ibadan, Nigeria.

Pastor Oladimeji listed the six hindrances to include-1)Lack of knowledge(Ignorance). 2)Wrong motives and intentions. 3)Worries and Anxieties. 4)Deliberate sin and Disobedience. 5) Offenses and the absence of forgiveness.  6) Lack of Gratitude.

''You need adequate knowledge to pray effectively. Knowledge is very important. In addition, secondly, you must have the right motive for God to answer your prayers. God looks at our motives. God does not grant prayer hinged on wrong motives. When your motive is wrong, it becomes a barrier, it becomes a hindrance. Nothing will hinder your prayers from today, God will answer your prayers,'' he prayed.



Prayers Christianity Religion Pastor Kayode Oladimeji Peculiar People Christian Center

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